Nîmes // France
Nîmes // France
MN-Lab est un laboratoire d’architecture imaginé par les architectes Gwénolé Mary et Arnaud Nègre. L’envie d’explorer d’autres architectures mène Gwénolé à étudier en Argentine, à travailler à Tahiti et en Jordanie. Revenu en France, il obtient en 2009 son diplôme à l’école d’architecture de Versailles. Il collabore ensuite avec son père sur des projets de maisons et des programmes scolaires dont il assure le suivi de chantier ; en 2007 il est lauréat du concours « habiter autrement ». Arnaud Nègre prend le chemin de l’école polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, en Suisse, où il obtient en 2007 son diplôme. Rentré en France, il travaille dans différentes agences d’architecture parisiennes, notamment au sein de l’atelier Brenac et Gonzalez en tant que chef de projet. Il y développera entre autres une école dans Paris, un immeuble de logements et de nombreux concours dans différents domaines. Aujourd’hui, mettant en commun leurs compétences, ils poursuivent l’aventure de nouveau ensemble pour le Festival 2012.
MN-Lab is a laboratory of architecture imagined by the architects Gwénolé Mary and Arnaud Nègre. The envy to investigate the other architectures leads Gwénolé to study in Argentina, to work in Tahiti and in Jordan. Returned in France, he obtains in 2009 his diploma in the school of architecture of Versailles. He collaborates then with his father on projects of houses and schools till the construction site; in 2007 he is a prize-winner of the competition » to live otherwise « . Arnaud Nègre takes the road of the Federal École Polytechnique(polytechnic school) of Lausanne, in Swiss, where he obtains in 2007 his diploma. Back in France, he works in various agencies of architecture in Paris, in particular within the workshop Brenac and Gonzalez as project manager. He will develop among others a school in Paris, a building of housing and numerous competition in various fields. Today, sharing their skills, they pursue the adventure again together for the Festival 2012.
Une surface ondulante, inerte et figée devient cinétique au regard du visiteur. Le parcours autour de l’objet , le mouvement, la proximité, l’éloignement, l’élévation, les arrêt sur images ; animent, révèlent ou font disparaitre sa surface. Chaque point de vue est unique rendant l’objet mystérieux, intrigant et surprenant. Sa compréhension n’est pas évidente et peut être source d’ angoisse, de rejet ou de contemplation. La forme de ses ondulations, sa matière et sa couleur proposent une expérience sensible et subjective, nous renvoyant à notre imaginaire.
An undulating, inert and fixed surface becomes kinetic in comparison with the visitor. The course around the object, the movement, the proximity, the distance, rise, the freeze frame; animate, reveal or make to disappear its surface. Each point of view is single making the object mysterious, scheming and surprising. Its comprehension is not obvious and can cause contemplation or rejection, anguish. The shape of its undulations, its matter and its color propose a significant and subjective experiment, returning us to our imaginary.
MN-Lab is a laboratory of architecture imagined by the architects Gwénolé Mary and Arnaud Nègre. The envy to investigate the other architectures leads Gwénolé to study in Argentina, to work in Tahiti and in Jordan. Returned in France, he obtains in 2009 his diploma in the school of architecture of Versailles. He collaborates then with his father on projects of houses and schools till the construction site; in 2007 he is a prize-winner of the competition » to live otherwise « . Arnaud Nègre takes the road of the Federal École Polytechnique(polytechnic school) of Lausanne, in Swiss, where he obtains in 2007 his diploma. Back in France, he works in various agencies of architecture in Paris, in particular within the workshop Brenac and Gonzalez as project manager. He will develop among others a school in Paris, a building of housing and numerous competition in various fields. Today, sharing their skills, they pursue the adventure again together for the Festival 2012.
Une surface ondulante, inerte et figée devient cinétique au regard du visiteur. Le parcours autour de l’objet , le mouvement, la proximité, l’éloignement, l’élévation, les arrêt sur images ; animent, révèlent ou font disparaitre sa surface. Chaque point de vue est unique rendant l’objet mystérieux, intrigant et surprenant. Sa compréhension n’est pas évidente et peut être source d’ angoisse, de rejet ou de contemplation. La forme de ses ondulations, sa matière et sa couleur proposent une expérience sensible et subjective, nous renvoyant à notre imaginaire.
An undulating, inert and fixed surface becomes kinetic in comparison with the visitor. The course around the object, the movement, the proximity, the distance, rise, the freeze frame; animate, reveal or make to disappear its surface. Each point of view is single making the object mysterious, scheming and surprising. Its comprehension is not obvious and can cause contemplation or rejection, anguish. The shape of its undulations, its matter and its color propose a significant and subjective experiment, returning us to our imaginary.